Welcome to Sheffield Cathedral
God has been worshipped on the site of Sheffield Cathedral for over 1000 years and counting. It stands as a symbol of God’s love for us all, whoever we are and whatever our need. We’re keeping this tradition alive, so whoever you are, wherever you’re from, you’re welcome and we’d love to meet you.
Sunday Eucharist
At 10.30 on Sundays we gather together for a traditional Eucharist service, followed by coffee and cake. Catch up with our sermon podcasts here.
Choral Evensong
Evensong begins at 17.45 on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursday and Fridays during term time. You can come and go in quiet, you won’t be asked to join in with singing, or have to chat to the person you’re sat next to. It’s a short meditative service which lasts about 45 minutes. With beautiful choral music, bible readings, and ancient prayers, this service offers the chance to spend time with God, and find peace at the end of the day.
On Sundays at 16.00 we have an extended evensong with hymns and a short sermon.
Tuesday Gathering
Tuesday evenings at 19:30.
Join us for our new Tuesday evening gathering. We meet together for a simple meal, discussion, and worship. It’s an inclusive and safe space to explore faith and spirituality. We sometimes meet in the Cathedral and sometimes in homes. Check here to see what's happening each week.
Always Open
The Cathedral is open everyday, offering a peaceful space to think and pray, and there are often chaplains around if you'd like to talk to someone.
Get Involved
Each year students join us to volunteer and there’s lots of different ways you can get involved.
Perhaps you might like to join our Children's work team, either with Toddler Group on Thursday mornings or Godly Play on Sunday mornings.
Or perhaps you want to try your hand at bellringing, volunteer in the Gift Shop or help with school visits.
As well as services the Cathedral is open each day for visitors and hosts a programme of events and concerts. We're always on the lookout for people who want to join the Welcomers and Guides team. Find more information about volunteering at the Cathedral.
Or you could volunteer with the Cathedral Archer Project which supports rough sleepers by providing breakfasts and other support services.
Curious? Want to get involved? Stop by the Cathedral for a chat or send an email to enquiries@sheffield-cathedral.org.uk.