The Cathedral is a centre for Christian worship in the Diocese of Sheffield and home to a vibrant and diverse community of people who share a faith in Jesus Christ. We invite you to join us at one of our many and regular services.
Orders of Service
Sunday 23 March
10.30 The Third Sunday of Lent Eucharist
16.00 The Third Sunday of Lent Evensong
We email our Orders of Service and Weekly Notice Sheets to those who have subscribed. If you’d like to receive these weekly please sign up here.
Music List
The cathedral’s Music List is available to download here.
Monday to Friday
08.30 Morning Prayer
12.30 Eucharist
17.30 Evening Prayer / Choral Evensong (Tuesdays in Term Time only)
Saturday (and Bank Holidays)
10.00 Morning Prayer
10.30 Eucharist
15.00 Evening Prayer
08.00 BCP Holy Communion
10.30 The Cathedral Eucharist
16.00 Choral Evensong (Term Time only) / Evening Prayer
18.00 The Evening Eucharist (last Sunday of the month)
If you are unfamiliar with Church of England services, here is a description of what you can expect. At different times of year the character of the services will change, for example great celebrations at Easter and Christmas, and more reflective during Lent and Advent.
Sunday Cathedral Eucharist
Eucharist means ‘holy communion’. Here we gather to celebrate our life in God and God’s life in the world, made known to us in Jesus.
We are lead in prayer and reflection and we share Holy Communion – taking bread and wine (a symbol of Christ’s body and blood) in remembrance of him.
If you have been baptised you are welcome to receive the bread and wine. Otherwise, you may like to receive a blessing, or stay in your seat, as you prefer.
Diddy Disciples is our latest provision for our smallest members. They meet every week during Sunday Cathedral Eucharist, apart from school holidays.
With songs and activities our youngest children can worship together and grow in confidence as they hear how much they are loved by God. If you would like to know more please contact
Choral Evensong
Using the 1662 Book of Common Prayer, with its resonant and beautiful words, this service typifies Cathedral choral worship. Here the choir does most of the singing, while the congregation participates through active listening and reflection.
There are spoken prayers, readings from the scriptures and hymns. The service marks the approach of nightfall and is part of the Office – the pattern of prayer offered each morning and evening, whether or not a congregation is there.
When the choir is away, and on Mondays and Saturdays, Choral Evensong is replaced by Evening Prayer.
Morning Prayer
Using readings from the Bible, especially the Psalms, here we start the day as we mean to go on, relating our lives to God and holding the needs of others in our prayers. Often we are only a handful of people, but there is a strong sense that the worship is being offered on behalf of many more.
Evening Prayer
This is the companion service to Morning Prayer. Using a similar pattern of readings from the Bible, it offers a place of reflection and prayer as the day moves towards evening.
Weekday Eucharist
This is celebrated each weekday and lasts less than half an hour. It follows a similar pattern to the Sunday Eucharist but without music or a sermon. However, the heart of the service remains our meeting with Jesus Christ in the sacrament of bread and wine.
Holy Communion
This is a Eucharist using the words of the 1662 Book of Common Prayer. There is an unsurpassed beauty to much of the language which makes the worship both strange and familiar.
Sunday Evening Service
This new informal service is a safe and inclusive place for all to come together for contemporary worship, including sung worship and contemporary hymns, all combined with traditional liturgy.
The Parish Church of St Peter, Sheffield - since 1914 the Cathedral Church of St Peter and St Paul - is one of the oldest centres of change-ringing in Yorkshire. It obtained a ring of six as early as 1689.
The bells of Sheffield Cathedral have a long and fascinating history. Click the button below to read more about the bells of the Cathedral throughout history.
We always welcome visiting, returning or prospective ringers. Get in touch with the Cathedral to arrange a visit.