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Evensong Service to Commemorate VE Day 70th Anniversary


On Sunday 10 May at 4pm there will be a special service of Evensong at Sheffield Cathedral to commemorate the 70th Anniversary of VE Day.

The Dean of Sheffield, the Very Rev Peter Bradley, will preach and there will be prayers for peace. 

Everyone is welcome to join us in commemorating this historic moment in the life of the nation. It will be an opportunity to give thanks for the selfless and courageous service and sacrifice of those who brought peace to Europe seventy years ago.

About Evensong

Using the 1662 Book of Common Prayer, with its resonant and beautiful words, this service typifies Cathedral choral worship. Here the choir does most of the singing, while the congregation participates through active listening and reflection. 

There are spoken prayers, readings from the scriptures and hymns. The service marks the approach of nightfall and is part of the Office – the pattern of prayer offered each morning and evening, whether or not a congregation is there.