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Seniors Know Your Cathedral Series

All seniors are welcome to our events, there is no requirement to be a church member. Just come, enjoy and make new friends. 

These sessions will start at 2pm in the Conrad Hilton room and conclude with tea and cake at 3pm.

Thursday 6 October
Spot the difference: Walk-About

This is a follow-up session conducted by Paul Sewell (Verger) on his slide show on the 100 years of cathedral building changes. He will show us parts of the building which were originally external to the building and other fascinating changes which are still visible today on close examination.

Thursday 3 November
Bell Tower Tour

This will be conducted by the Tower Captain Simon Reading. You will need to be fit to climb the stairs. Simon will give us an overview of what is involved as we gather in the vast bell tower. The talk will include a demonstration with some hands on pullingof the ropes for those brave enough to try.

Thursday 1 December
Cathedral Archer Project

A talk given by Tim Renshaw director of the Archer Project or one of his colleagues: “The Cathedral Archer Project (CAP) is a place where homeless people can change their lives for the better. We believe life should be rewarding and enjoyable. Homelessness is neither of these”. Come listen to how lives can be changed.