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Holy Week and Easter Services 2018

Palm Sunday
25.03.2018, 10:30am

We gather in the Cathedral Square for the Liturgy of the Palms and then process to the nave for the Liturgy of the Passion. The service ends as we process with our Palm Crosses to join churches from across the centre of Sheffield for an ecumenical act of witness by the Town Hall. 

Chrism Eucharist
26.03.2018, 7pm

Many of those who minister in the Diocese of Sheffield gather in the Cathedral for the annual Chrism Eucharist as the Bishop of Sheffield leads the renewal of vows and the blessing of the oils. All are welcome, and clergy and readers are invited to robe. 

27.03.2018, 7:30pm

We gather in the Chapel of the Holy Spirit as we sing this ancient night office. In the stillness and with guided reflection we explore the themes of Christ's Passion and how we respond to the love and grace we have experienced. 

28.03.2018, 7:30pm

We gather in the Chapel of the Holy Spirit as we sing this ancient night office. In the stillness and with guided reflection we explore the themes of Christ's Passion and how we respond to the love and grace we have experienced. 

Toddler Service in the Chancel
29.03.2018, 10:30-11:30am

Toddler group celebrates Easter - come along and hear the Easter Story! Easter craft, hot cross buns and coffee provided. Everyone welcome, including older siblings.

Maundy Thursday Sung Eucharist
29.03.2018, 7:30pm

As Jesus washed his disciples' feet at the Last Supper so we remember the humility of Christ in this powerful service which concludes with the stripping of the altars and the Vigil of the Watch until midnight.
Preacher - the Bishop of Sheffield

Good Friday Liturgy
30.03.2018, 12 Noon-3pm

We come together as a community for three hours on Good Friday afternoon, firstly to hear reflections on the way of the cross and then to proclaim and give thanks for all Jesus did on the cross. The liturgy includes the singing of the Passion gospel which is a particular focus of this very reflective service. 
Preacher - the Bishop of Sheffield

Easter Vigil and the First Eucharist of Easter
01.04.2018, 5:30am

Join us in the early hours of the morning for a vigil of readings and prayers culminating in the Easter ceremonies and the First Eucharist of Easter. In a simple, yet beautiful, liturgy we engage with all that God has done through time and with the hope and joy we share at Easter.

Easter Day from Sheffield Cathedral to be broadcast on BBC One
01.04.2018, 10am

Join us, our choirs and a brass ensemble at the Cathedral as we celebrate Easter. This year we will be joined by viewers from around the UK as our worship is broadcast live on BBC One. Everyone is welcome, but in order to manage seating please book a ticket via Eventbrite and arrive within the specified time period. Tickets are also available in person from the Cathedral Shop during Cathedral opening hours.
Preacher - the Bishop of Sheffield
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Easter Festival Choral Evensong
01.04.2018, 4pm
Set within the familiar liturgy of the Book of Common Prayer we celebrate Christ's resurrection with wonderful music and powerful Scripture readings. All are welcome to join us for this, the final liturgy of Easter Day.