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God and the Good: Thinking Religion and Ethics

Our talk series with The University of Sheffield concludes with philosopher Minna Shkul talking on 'St Paul's Letters from the Prison - An Ethical Review'.

This evening will focus on St Paul's prison letters, examining these as a farewell speech that provide Christ-followers with guidance on tradition, godly life and ethics. Are these letters 'ethical' for 21st century readers? As we attempt to answer this question we will focus in religiosity, ethnicity and gender in particular. 

This talk will take place in the Chapter House.

The 1554 Coffee Shop will be open throughout the afternoon. Drinks, deli savouries and homemade sweets will be available for purchase prior to the talk. 

Earlier Event: 2 July
SYDCAE 2018: Celebration of Life
Later Event: 6 July
Lunchtime Recital: Kamil Mika