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Sheffield Photographic Society

The Annual Exhibition is the Society’s showcase for the best recent work of its members and is a prints only Exhibition.

The Exhibition will be held at the Sheffield Cathedral from Friday, 22nd March to Sunday, 31st March 2019, and be officially opened by Rob Hastie, Artistic Director of Sheffield Theatres’.

Entry is free, and visitors are asked to be respectful of any services or other activity taking place in the Cathedral. Light refreshments are available for visitors in the Cathedral’s 1554 Coffee Shop

Members of the society will be on hand lunchtimes each day (2 hours week days / 4 hours weekends) to assist visitor’s appreciation of the images, or simply to chat photography.

Member’s works that feature in the Exhibition will have been judged against the following classifications:

  • Open which includes Pictorial, Altered Reality, Portrait, Photojournalism and Monochrome section.

  • Beginners

  • Photo Essay

  • Record.

  • Natural History

  • Sheffield its Life and Environs

  • Small Prints

Entries will be judged by Peter Brisley ARPS and Sue O’Connell ARPS DPAGB EFIAP/s BPE4 both from Bristol Photographic Society on Saturday, 9th February 2019 at St Peter’s Church Hall. 9.30am to 1.00pm.

They will also present their talk “ Travels Towards The Edge “ at our annual exhibition lecture on Friday 8th February 2019 at Greenhill Methodist Church 7.45pm for 8.00pm. Visitors welcome. £4.

Earlier Event: 17 March
Christianity and Time
Later Event: 24 March
Christianity and Time