Argentine Tango is coming to Sheffield with a full programme, come along for a Musicality Workshop led by professionals.
This workshop will be presented by Laura McGeough and Gonzalo Tolaba. It will be devoted to discovering, embracing and using the musical possibilities of the rhythmic orchestras. We will explore the opportunities in the music for some playful musicality such as syncopations, crosses, rebounds, traspies and pauses: the tips and tricks of 'How To'.
Laura is a professional dancer/choreographer from Monaghan with 26 years of dance experience dancing, performing, choreographing and teaching in Ireland, all across the UK and in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Her partner Gonzalo Tolaba is travelling over from Buenos Aires. Gonzalo is from San Salvador, Jujuy Province, Argentina and has been dancing for 22 years, both Argentine Folklore and Argentine Tango and has been part of the teaching team in DNI Tango School in Buenos Aires since 2013.