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Christmas Services at the Cathedral 2019

Photo taken at light show created and produced by Luxmuralis

Join us for our Christmas Eve and Christmas Day services.

A Festival of Lessons and Carols
Christmas Eve, 7pm
Join with many folk from across Sheffield as we hear again the Christmas story and sing together some of the well-known Christmas carols.

The Midnight Eucharist
Christmas Eve, 11:30pm
On this Holy night of Christmas we celebrate the birth of Christ.
Preacher: The Dean of Sheffield Cathedral

Holy Communion according to the Book of Common Prayer
Christmas Day, 8am
The traditional Book of Common Prayer Holy Communion service for Christmas Day.

The Sung Eucharist of Christmas Day
Christmas Day, 10:30am
Join us as we celebrate the Joy of Christmas with beautiful music sung by the Cathedral Choirs.
Preacher: The Bishop of Sheffield

Earlier Event: 22 December
Advent Study Series
Later Event: 19 January
Epiphany Carol Service