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Advent Study Series

Join Cathedral reader and Emeritus Professor Peter Ashworth for four sessions exploring ‘God and God’s People: The Gift Relationship’.

What is giving? Some everyday cases and some kinds of ‘unsuccessful’ giving. If we are to use the model of giving to discuss the relation between ourselves and God, then we need to notice some things about the nature of giving. 

Showing gratitude; reciprocating: We are grateful for a gift and often try to show this. Maybe by offering heartfelt thanks; but often by reciprocating (i.e. giving a present in return to the person who has shown kindness to you). How does charity to the destitute fit in?

It is rewarding to give: Does this undermine its virtue? Should giving be selfless? Should we give anonymously? May it be that the true giver is one who is not aware of being charitable, but just is compassionate and kindly? 

Giving and God’s generosity: Does the notion of God as giver hold water? Human giving entails a personal expense. Can God be said to give at a cost? Is response to God’s bounty impossible because we cannot begin to match it?

Dates: 1st, 8th, 15th and 22nd of December

Led by Peter Ashworth. a Cathedral Reader and Emeritus Professor of Educational Research at Sheffield Hallam University.