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Seeking the Welfare of the City: What Can the Church Contribute to the Common Good?

The Bishop of Sheffield joins our God and the Good talk series.

This talk will explore how, in pursuit of the common good, the church has something to offer in policy-making as well as in project-delivery, in what might be called a prophetic role and not merely a pastoral one.

About the speaker
The Rt Revd Dr Pete Wilcox has been ordained for over 30 years and has been Bishop of Sheffield since the summer of 2017, having been the Dean of Liverpool for the previous five years. He trained for the ordained ministry at Ridley Hall in Cambridge, after completing a degree in modern history at Durham University. Theological education and ministerial formation remain key interests for him, along with Bible teaching and expository preaching. He is the author of three books which attempt to make bible commentary accessible: Living the Dream (2007), Walking the Walk (2009) and Talking the Talk (2011).