One of my favourite Christmas films is ‘How The Grinch Stole Christmas’, written by Dr Seuss. It is a classic story of a character that hates Christmas so much that he attempts to steal it! There is much about Christmas that makes it a difficult time and many may wish that someone should steal it. This would give us a break from the relentless commercial advertising aimed at separating us from our money.
People who find this season difficult would be able to cope better: no turkey; no over done sprouts; no wrapping paper to dispose of and presents you probably didn’t want or need.
Thankfully it is not just about these things, as the Grinch who tried to steal Christmas came to realise.
We know that Christmas means more.
It is found in the fragile and vulnerable child gifted to the world at Bethlehem. It was a world much like today, with people suffering violence, pain and injustice. Into this world God shared himself to an amazing extent. This calls for amazing celebrations and also a careful and reflective response. It may not be the Grinch that steals our Christmas, but our attitude and approach to it. We must celebrate and keep the stable door open to see the true gift, Jesus. Emmanuel, God with us.
The Grinch eventually came to realise that he could not steal Christmas because it was more than trimmings, tinsel and trees.
“And the Grinch, with his Grinch-feet ice cold in the snow, stood puzzling and puzzling, how could it be so? It came without ribbons. It came without tags. It came without packages, boxes or bags. And he puzzled and puzzled ‘till his puzzler was sore. Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn’t thought of before. What if Christmas, he thought, doesn’t come from a store. What if Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more.”
Wherever you are and whatever you are doing this Christmas, may you know the peace and joy of the gift given at Bethlehem.
Canon Keith Farrow
Canon Missioner