Going Public: International Art Collectors in Sheffield has been live across the city for almost a month. With displays at Sheffield Cathedral, the Millennium Gallery, Graves Gallery, Site Gallery and Sheffield Institute of Arts Gallery, the exhibition seeks to start a debate about philanthropy in the arts and the relationship between private collectors and the public.
Going Public will be taking this debate further by hosting a summit with leading thinkers, professionals and philanthropists. The aim of the summit is to inform the development of a new framework for building greater support for the visual arts beyond the major cultural capitals. The question for the summit is: How can public art institutions unlock the potential of philanthropy?
Monday 12 October
A free and public event, the summit will be take place at Sheffield Hallam University and Sheffield Cathedral on Monday 12 October from 9:30am. Patrizia Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, the collector whose works are displayed at the Cathedral, will be in attendance, as will Nicolas Cattelain, Sylvain and Dominique Levy, and Egidio and Daniel Marzona.