Going Public Summit

Going Public: International Art Collectors in Sheffield has been live across the city for almost a month. With displays at Sheffield Cathedral, the  Millennium GalleryGraves GallerySite Gallery and Sheffield Institute of Arts Gallery, the exhibition seeks to start a debate about philanthropy in the arts and the relationship between private collectors and the public.

Going Public will be taking this debate further by hosting a summit with leading thinkers, professionals and philanthropists. The aim of the summit is to inform the development of a new framework for building greater support for the visual arts beyond the major cultural capitals. The question for the summit is: How can public art institutions unlock the potential of philanthropy?

Monday 12 October

A free and public event, the summit will be take place at Sheffield Hallam University and Sheffield Cathedral on Monday 12 October from 9:30am. Patrizia Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, the collector whose works are displayed at the Cathedral, will be in attendance, as will Nicolas Cattelain, Sylvain and Dominique Levy, and Egidio and Daniel Marzona. 

You can register for the event and see full details here.