Image Credit: @villemona on Instagram
If you have been visiting the cathedral this week you may well have witnessed one of our intrepid vergers on the cherry picker machine high up in the south aisle. The aim of this expedition to the heights was to remove dust from the beams and walls. Armed with vacuum cleaner and camera it was a rare opportunity to get up close to the beautiful gilded roof bosses. Some very interesting photographs have been produced as a result.
Next week we embark upon the season of Lent, which is the annual opportunity for a ‘spiritual spring clean’. It is a season of penitence, self examination and preparation. Ash Wednesday is the event at which we embark upon our Lenten journey.
The removal of the dust high up in the south aisle revealed some interesting and beautiful things. As dust is applied to our foreheads on Ash Wednesday in a symbolic act of repentance and penitence may our Lenten journey reveal some interesting and beautiful things about God and ourselves.
Here are a few suggestions to assist you.
1. Choose a book
How about one of these 3 titles - available from the Cathedral shop
- In God's Hands: The Archbishop of Canterbury's Lent Book 2015, Archbishop Desmond Tutu
- Word in the Wilderness: A Poem a Day for Lent and Easter, Malcolm Guite
- Stations of the Cross, Timothy Radcliffe
2. Twitter Lent Course
If you are a Tweeter and follow the @SheffCath account there will be a daily Lenten tweet to consider, meditate and respond to.
3. Creative Lent
Have you seen the Senior Action Team lent course - click here to take a look. Places are limited so don’t delay!
Every blessing
Canon Keith Farrow