Maundy Madness

Now we have all had time to catch our breath following the Office of the Royal Maundy, the team at the Cathedral have been reflecting on some of the ‘behind the scenes’ moments during a very busy Easter period.

Some of them are quite amusing, some rather frustrating and some are things that we already knew and just had reaffirmed. We thought you might like to share in some of these observations/reflections.  

Top Seven

1. Our volunteers are worth their weight in gold. No task is too big or too small, too easy or too difficult and all are undertaken with a genuine smile.  

2. It is rather disconcerting to have two Vergers walk towards you wearing rubber gloves and carrying telescopic dusters.  

3. Kicking, cajoling, cursing or gently patting the photocopier does not make it run any faster.  

4. South Yorkshire Police are an amazingly professional group of people and are a delight to work with. Despite the restrictions of the building they managed to ensure the safety of everyone who attended the Royal Maundy service. And Police search dog,  Millie, nearly found a new home with various members of staff and volunteers! 

5. The Robinson Room Staff had to go on a crash course on ‘how to stop Nicola descending into madness’. They passed with distinction and will be receiving their certificates shortly.  

6. Dust has magical properties: when you try to remove it, it will reappear and multiply at the same time.  

7. It was humbling to be a part of a service where so many deserving people were recognised for their contributions.    

All in all we had a fantastic day. Exhausted though we were by Thursday afternoon, being told by Her Majesty that ‘it all ran like clockwork’ made it all worth while!    

Nicola Burgin
The Dean’s Administration Officer