Welcoming An Assistant Curate

It is a great pleasure to announce that we are to receive an Assistant Curate into the life of the Cathedral community. Her name is Beth Keith and she will take up her appointment following ordination as Deacon in June 2016.    

Speaking of her appointment Beth said,

"I'm really excited to be joining the Cathedral this summer as Pioneer Curate. I'm currently training at Cranmer Hall in Durham and doing doctoral research on vocation and mission. I am married to Laurence and we have two young children. Before moving to Durham we lived in Sheffield for 15 years and we are looking forward to returning and working with old friends and new."  

Canon Keith Farrow will have responsibility for Beth’s training and  supervision during her time at the Cathedral, and we will be sharing more details about Pioneer Curacy and the training and ministry involved nearer the time of Beth's arrival.

Please remember them in your prayers as Beth finishes her training at Cranmer Hall and the family anticipate and prepare to move back to Sheffield.