Out Of This World?

On Sunday 23rd October, Sheffield city centre hosted an ‘Out of this world’ festival, "celebrating all things otherworldly and out of the ordinary".

It is of course part of the age-old tradition at this time of year to celebrate Halloween. Shops are full of the, supposedly, associated paraphernalia: witches costumes, bats, spooks and imitation cobwebs. with often the much maligned and misunderstood spider attached!

The popularity of events such as this demonstrates how people are fascinated with things which are ‘other worldly’, supernatural and science fiction fantasy.

The Church is entering into a season when we celebrate All Saints’ Day and the Commemoration of the Faithful Departed (All Souls Day).

This is a time when we remember all saints and martyrs, known and unknown, throughout Christian history. Our thoughts turn to things eternal and as someone once said, ‘the veil betwixt earth and Heaven becomes thin’. Next weekend, I will, like many other Christians, be remembering those family and friends who we love but see no longer.

Here at the Cathedral we are always celebrating, as with all Churches, things ‘other worldly’. Week by week and day by day we are in communion with Jesus Christ who came down to this world to reveal the Father. It is my hope that many who visit the City today to experience the festival will take time to come into the Cathedral to experience a place which speaks of things eternal touching earth and transforming lives.

We look not at what can be seen but at what cannot be seen; for what can be seen is temporary, but what cannot be seen is eternal. (2 Corinthians 4:18).

Canon Keith Farrow
Canon Missioner