Love expressed in community offers hope

I don't imagine that many of those who stand to represent their communities in public office think they are putting their lives at risk, and thankfully such brutal and tragic situations as happened this week in Birstall, West Yorkshire, are not frequent in this country.

The death of Jo Cox MP has served to remind us all of the cost of public service and the generosity of all those who serve their local communities. We join with so many in praying for her family, friends and colleagues at this very difficult time.

The cost of service is a feature of Christian discipleship. For many generations those who have served in this way have demonstrated that the greater good of the whole community is significantly developed by such profound individual contributions.

This is the way we build up our common life and it is the way we follow, in the case of Christian discipleship, the example of Christ. Love expressed in community offers hope.

Let us pray that out of such pain and tragedy we may be renewed in our capacity and desire to serve our community together, even if at cost to ourselves.

The Revd Canon Christopher Burke
Vice Dean and Canon Precentor