Choral Evensong Live Broadcast

This afternoon Choral Evensong at Sheffield Cathedral will be broadcast live on BBC Radio 3.

All are welcome to attend this live broadcast at 3:30pm and all must be seated by 3:15pm.

The music, for the Cathedral’s patronal festival, is as listed below:

Introit: Tu es Petrus (Duruflé)
Responses: Rose
Psalms 124, 138 (Camidge, Day)
First Lesson: Ezekiel 34 vv.11-16
Canticles: Stanford in C
Second Lesson: John 21 vv.15-22
Anthem: Hymn to St Peter (Britten)
Te Deum: Stanford in C
Organ Voluntary: Toccata, Adagio and Fugue in C BWV 564 (Bach)

The service will be available on catch up on the BBC Radio 3 website shortly after broadcast.