Call To Prayer

There are times when it seems we are faced with genuine difficulty and the only response we can offer is to pray.

I am sure that many of us will have held the community who lived in Grenfell Tower in our prayers in recent days. The pain and suffering of that community, along with that of their families and friends, has been shared by so many people around the world as we have turned in prayer for all those affected. 

It is not easy at these times to find answers, sometimes only more questions, but we are renewed in our commitment to prayer and action. Prayer for all those involved and a commitment to action such that we and others may ensure such a thing never occurs again. 

Gracious God
We pray for those caught up in the fire at Grenfell Tower,
for casualties, for the wounded, for the missing and the traumatised.
We pray for the emergency services and for those who are responsible for co-ordinating the response to this major incident.
In despair bring hope
In injury bring healing In fear bring comfort.
In our helplessness be our strength.
In your mercy hear our prayers.
In Christ’s name. 


The Reverend Canon Christopher Burke
Vice Dean and Canon Precentor