Join the global wave of prayer happening between 10th - 20th of May.
“I cannot remember in my life anything that I’ve been involved in where I have sensed so clearly the work of the Spirit.”
During the 11 days of Thy Kingdom Come, it is hoped that everyone who participates will deepen their friendship with Jesus, bring other to know Jesus or know him better, and come to know that every aspect of their life is the stuff of prayer.
We want to encourage you to commit to pray during those 10 days, either joining with us here at the Cathedral for prayer or praying at home. Do have a look at the resources available at the back of the Nave after the service. We have prayer journals, novenas and booklets for morning and evening prayer that you can take away.
Cathedral Clergy will be engaging with Thy Kingdom Come in different ways. Do grab them for a chat if you are curious and would like to get involved. Learn more about how you can take part on Thy Kingdom Come's website.
At the Cathedral we will also join with churches from across South Yorkshire for our Beacon Event on Sunday the 20th of May at Sheffield Cathedral. This is one of many Thy Kingdom Come Beacon Events happening in cathedrals across the UK and beyond between 10th and 20th May. You can find more information about the Beacon event here.