Canon Keith's Pilgrimage Day 3 — Sheffield Cathedral

Canon Keith's Pilgrimage Day 3

Day 3 - Gethsemane

The Garden of Gethsemane surprised me as it is only feet away from a very busy road and pavement. The noisy world rushes past and it is difficult at first to concentrate and meditate, but it was here that they came for him with clamour and noise.

Judas handed him over and It can hardly be contemplated what agonies of mind and heart Jesus experienced in this place. The disciples slept as he agonised about what awaited him.

‘Can you not watch one hour with me?’ It reminds me that so often just our awareness of the pain of others and our silent presence with them is help enough and can be a huge support. 

I prayed for those who face difficult and agonising situations and decisions. 

Canon Keith and The Dean’s pilgrimage to The Holy Land is in preparation for a Sheffield Cathedral Pilgrimage open to members of the congregation taking place in 2021. Would you like more details? Please send Canon Keith an email.
