The Acting Dean's Statement on the Death of Prince Philip


Prince Philip, Queen Elizabeth II's husband, has died aged 99, Buckingham Palace has announced.

“The whole country has been saddened to learn of the passing of the Duke of Edinburgh in his 100th year. He has been a most devoted husband and supporter of Her Majesty the Queen, always ready to promote innovation and industry, and especially through his Award Scheme keen to encourage the development of young people.

Many in Sheffield will remember his visit to the Cathedral in 2015, accompanying the Queen at the Royal Maundy service, when, characteristically, he showed great interest in the Bishop’s strikingly modern crozier. As we give thanks to God for Prince Philip’s immense contribution to our national life, we pray especially for the Queen and all the members of the Royal family, that they may know God’s comforting presence at this time of their loss.

Beginning at 3pm today Sheffield Cathedral will be open every day from 8am to 8pm when those who wish may come to light a candle in memory of Prince Philip. Floral tributes may also be left in a designated area outside the Cathedral. Arrangements for a memorial service, which will be live-streamed on our social media channels, will be announced shortly.”

Canon Geoffrey Harbord
Acting Dean of Sheffield

The Bishops’ Statements

"We extend to Her Majesty the Queen, to her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, our deepest sympathy at the news that HRH Prince Philip has died.  He has been the Queen’s closest companion and constant support throughout her long reign, sustaining an extraordinary burden of public duties well into his ninth decade.  We will miss his humour and his candour, but most of all his utterly reliable presence beside the sovereign.  Like the Queen, he had a profound sense of duty and of service and our national life is richer because of all that he has given."

The Rt Revd Dr Pete Wilcox
Bishop of Sheffield


"It is with deep sadness we receive the news of the death of Prince Philip today and we offer our sincere condolence to Her Majesty the Queen, their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. In supporting the Queen during her extensive reign, his support for her and his commitment to public service have been remarkable. Maintaining his own personal interests whilst also offering the stability of constant companionship, he was able to retain his distinctiveness within public life. Our thoughts and prayers are most especially with our Queen in her time of loss as we pray for God’s comfort and his strength."

The Rt Revd Sophie Jelley
Bishop of Doncaster