Chapter Meeting: October 2022 — Sheffield Cathedral

Chapter Meeting: October 2022

Read the update from Chapter’s meeting in October 2022.

There was no Chapter meeting held in September due to the death and subsequent funeral of HRH Queen Elizabeth II.


Voluntary Giving continues to be markedly below the budgeted figure and must be addressed. To this end, it was agreed that a sub-committee would be established to look at Giving in more detail and to explore possible solutions to the shortfall. This group will meet regularly and report back to Chapter.

Budget for 2023

Although the close of 2022 is likely to show a break-even position, this is largely due to additional grants and donations that will not be available in the coming years. The end of 2023 is expected to show a significant deficit, which will be unsustainable going forward. In response to this, the coming year will mark the beginning of a three-year plan to enable the Cathedral to return to a sustainable financial position. 


The Chapter Safeguarding Lead attended a meeting of the National Safeguarding Team in London where it was explained that new national standards are to be introduced in 2023, specifically looking at cathedrals. Our own Safeguarding practice will be reviewed in light of this.


Jason Carr was welcomed by Chapter and he confirmed that, having been well briefed by both the outgoing Interim COO and the Dean, he is settling in well and receiving plenty of support from colleagues.

Ministry Experience Scheme

Also new to the Cathedral Team are Anjali Jacob and Niall Murray-Sharpe, our two interns for the next 12 months. Both have received a warm welcome and are quickly adapting to Cathedral life.

Ann and Richard Walton

The Dean shared with Chapter that these two retired clergy have become a real asset to the Cathedral. As well as taking regular services and making themselves available, as chaplains, to visitors and staff, they are also preparing candidates for confirmation next month. In recognition of their dedication to the work and life of the Cathedral, the Dean expressed her wish for them to be given a more formal role as part of the clergy team. A suitable title will need to be agreed before a service of welcome is arranged.

The next meeting was scheduled for 21st November.
