Platinum Jubilee Celebrations at Sheffield Cathedral

Join our Platinum Jubilee celebrations!

Seventy years of service is an extraordinary thing to celebrate, and we’re excited and humbled to be laying on a range of events at Sheffield Cathedral to give thanks for Queen Elizabeth II and all that she has given to our nation.

From a Platinum Jubilee anthem to be performed by our choir and released across our social media channels to a vintage fair, a Platinum Jubilee trail for children, a Jubilee lunch and a service of celebration on Sunday 5th June, the bank holiday will be one long party at Sheffield Cathedral!

Rufus’s Platinum Jubilee Trail

Rufus the Cathedral Mouse is celebrating the Platinum Jubilee this half term with a special new trail. He has also hidden miniature Queen Elizabeth’s around the Cathedral. How many will you find?

In addition to the trail, there will be fun craft activities for kids in the westend.

RSCM Platinum Jubilee Anthem

To mark the Platinum Jubilee, the Royal School of Church Music have specially commissioned a new choral piece by Thomas Hewitt Jones call ‘In our Service’. Picking up on themes of service and dedication, the anthem will be performed by choirs across the nation, and we are delighted to be releasing our choir’s performance of this piece across our social media platforms on Thursday 2nd June. It will also be performed as part of our Service of Celebration on Sunday 5th June at 4.00pm.

Full Peal of Bellringing

Sheffield Cathedral ringers will be attempting a peal of Stedman Caters on the 10 heaviest bells starting at 5pm on Thursday 2nd June. The composition for the piece consists of 5055 changes (that's 50,550 clapper impacts) which will take approximately 3 hours 20 minutes. If successful, this particular composition will be rung for the first time. It is composed by Lucy Woodward, a ringer at both Westminster Abbey and St Paul's Cathedral, London, and was sent exclusively for the use of Sheffield Cathedral's ringing master.

Congregational Jubilee Lunch

On Sunday 5 June we will be organising a congregational lunch - buffet style - in the Cathedral following the 10.30 Cathedral Eucharist. Please see one of our wardens, vergers or clergy and ask to be added to the sign-up sheet.

A Service of Celebration for the Platinum Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second

We are delighted to be offering this service of joyful celebration on Sunday 5th June at 4pm to mark 70 years of service to this nation by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Choirs, trumpets and uplifting music and words will echo around our great Cathedral to mark this historic occasion. The service will be followed by refreshments.