Serving the City

The Cathedral has a long history of serving the city and engaging with civic and business life.

The Going Public exhibition has strengthened our relationship with the city, as we support the arts and culture of Sheffield. It is a joy to be welcoming visitors coming to view the art installations. Art such as this, displayed in an ecclesiastical setting, is giving us many opportunities to share the life of the Cathedral.

In the coming week we will once again host a service of thanksgiving following the installation of the Master Cutler. I will be privileged to support the new Master Cutler as his chaplain, as the Revd Captain Mike Reeder CA has done in the past year. The Cutlers Company of Hallamshire has a long and illustrious history rooted in the manufacturing industry of the city and region.

Last week at a service in St Paul’s Church, Covent Garden, traditionally known as ‘the Actors' Church’, I was commissioned to serve as chaplain to Sheffield Theatres. The work of theatre chaplains is coordinated nationally by the organisation Theatre Chaplaincy UK (TCUK). It serves to offer pastoral and practical support to those of all faiths and none, who are engaged in the performing arts. TCUK, through the work of its chaplains, seeks to bring together faith and theatre for the enrichment of both. Take the chance to learn more about them by visiting:

These are all opportunities to serve the life of the city in the name of Christ. Please remember these events and ministries in your prayers over the coming months. 

Canon Keith Farrow
Canon Missioner