On Tuesday 29 September, our very own Canon Keith Farrow was commissioned as a Theatre Chaplain during a service at St Paul's Covent Garden, London.

Canon Keith Farrow with the Rt Rev Geoff Annas, Bishop of Stafford.
Located in London's West End, St Paul's is traditionally known as "The Actors' Church because of its long association with the theatre community. Keith will be serving as Theatre Chaplain to the two theatres in the Cathedral Parish, The Lyceum and Crucible.
Theatre Chaplaincy UK (TCUK) offers pastoral and practical support to those of all faiths and none, who are engaged in the performing arts. Founded in 1899 as the Actors' Church Union, TCUK seeks to bring faith and theatre together for the enrichment of both.
You can find out more by visiting www.theatrechaplaincyuk.com.