Seniors’ Action Team Lent Course

Ancient Byzantium mosaic fresco in Kariye Mosque, Turkey - Cosma /

The Art of the Bible

This year I will be leading the Seniors’ Action Team Lent Course entitled The Art of the Bible.   

Each week we will look at a famous picture which illustrates the Scriptures, we will read the Bible together, and we’ll explore whether the pictures can help us understand the Bible, and how to read the Bible well today.   

Every session stands by itself, so if you can only attend one or two meetings please do come along.  

When and Where

Beginning on Wednesday 24th February, the course will take place on every Wednesday in Lent until 23rd March. The sessions will start 2pm and end with cake at 2:45pm. They will be held in the Conrad Hilton Room.  

Week One

On the first week, we will be looking at the very first pictures  produced by Christians to illustrate the Gospels. One type of  picture was vastly more popular than any other. What do you think this was? You might find that it’s rather unexpected!   

Peter Bradley, The Dean of Sheffield Cathedral