Yesterday we celebrated the great feast of Candlemas and drew to a close our season reflecting on the incarnation of Christ. We have spent the last 50 days thinking through what it means to be a follower of Christ and how the birth of Jesus invites us into a way of understanding God’s love which transforms our lives forever.
The feast of Candlemas and the procession with candles from the altar to the font reminds us that it is through our common baptism, and also through our travelling with the light of Christ, that we are drawn together as a transformed and transformative community.
In a short time we shall be moving on to the season of Lent and our exploration of what it means to follow Christ in the context of our own weakness and vulnerability. But for now, may we reflect on Candlemas and help others to see the light of Christ in their own lives and find ways of renewing our commitment to the vocation to which we have each been called.
Canon Christopher Burke