10 Days of Prayer — Sheffield Cathedral

10 Days of Prayer

The period between the Feast of the Ascension (which falls on Thursday 5th May) and the Feast of Pentecost (10 days later) has become a time when, through prayer and reflection, we seek to be generous in our response to the call of the risen Christ.

We seek to actively share in telling the good news of what faith in Jesus Christ means and how God's love and transforming grace touches us all. This year we are being invited to join with Christians throughout the county in prayer and reflecting on how we might play our part in that much bigger picture. 

The Archbishops have asked every parish and community to set aside time, and here at the Cathedral each day at noon we shall be praying through scripture and art that we might respond to this call. 

Pentecost is described as the birthday of the Church. This birthday let us pray that together we may find new joy and new hope as we seek to share and grow. 

Canon Christopher Burke

> read more about the 10 days of prayer at Sheffield Cathedral
