Acting Dean of Sheffield Cathedral


It has been announced this morning that the Revd Canon Geoffrey Harbord will take up the position of Acting Dean at Sheffield Cathedral.

This follows the resignation of the Very Revd Peter Bradley. The announcement was made to the Cathedral congregation by the Vice Dean and Canon Missioner, the Revd Canon Keith Farrow.

Geoffrey is currently the Domestic Chaplain to the Bishop of Sheffield; speaking ahead of the announcement he has said:

“Sheffield Cathedral is a place where Christians have met to worship God for nearly a thousand years. Like many people native to this city, it has always had a very special place in my heart. I am both humbled and excited at being asked to serve the Cathedral as acting Dean and look forward to working with all those both in the Cathedral community and beyond as we seek to bring the message of Christ to all people.”

The Rt Revd Dr Pete Wilcox also commented:

“I am immensely grateful to Geoffrey for accepting my invitation to take up the responsibilities of Acting Dean at Sheffield Cathedral during the vacancy.  He is much loved across the Diocese and trusted for his wit and wisdom and will lead the Cathedral community with quiet confidence in God’s grace and in the power of the Holy Spirit in the coming months.  He will work full-time at the Cathedral, on secondment as my Chaplain and I look forward to installing him as a residentiary canon on Wednesday 21st October. He will be much missed by me and the staff team at Bishopscroft, but we know he will quickly endear himself to his new colleagues.  Together with Canon Keith, who will continue as Vice Dean, Geoffrey will offer calming leadership to the Cathedral during the vacancy.”

The Rt Revd Sophie Jelley, Bishop of Doncaster, also added:

“I have come to know Geoffrey as a wise and godly priest, liturgically astute and pastorally sensitive. As the cathedral faces this time of transition.  I cannot think of a more trusted colleague to help lead the community and all those who look upon it as ‘their cathedral’ into the next phase of life together.”

The Revd Canon Keith Farrow, Vice Dean and Canon Missioner, said:

“I very much look forward to welcoming Geoffrey to Sheffield Cathedral and working with him to continue our calling to be a place of worship, welcome and mission at the heart of the Diocese, City and region. Geoffrey has been part of the cathedral for many years as a member of the College of Canons. He is known to the cathedral community and staff team and I know they will support and pray for Geoffrey and his family in the coming months.”