Credit: Lorna May Wadsworth
Holy Week is the most precious time of year for Christians.
This year it begins on Sunday 10 April, Palm Sunday. All over the world Christians stop what we are doing and walk with Christ every step of the way to the Cross on which he died.
On Maundy Thursday we remember the Last Supper that Jesus shared with his disciples. As part of the service people have their feet washed, just as Jesus washed the feet of his disciples. This was also the moment that Jesus began the tradition of sharing bread and wine as a core part of Christian worship - ‘Do this in remembrance of me’ he said.
The Cathedral will be stripped of all its ornaments and colourful cloth, and a watch is kept before an altar decorated with beautiful flowers to represent the Garden of Gethsemane where Jesus was finally arrested. On Good Friday the Cathedral will be in quiet darkness as we mark the time that Jesus was crucified and finally died. The choir will tell the whole story in song as those of us gathered kneel before the Cross and remember the things that we are sorry for.
On Holy Saturday a flame is lit as rumours that something miraculous has happened spreads. Gradually the Cathedral is filled with lit candles and joyful singing as the Resurrection of Jesus is proclaimed. New Christians are Baptised and Confirmed and light spills out into the dark night. On Easter morning it’s time for laughter and feasting to celebrate the Risen Christ.
You never know, the Easter Bunny might even come and join in the fun… Happy Easter everyone!
Services during Holy Week:
Sunday 10 April: 10:30am Palm Sunday Cathedral Eucharist
Monday 11 April: 7.00pm Chrism Eucharist
Tuesday 12 and Wednesday 13 April: 7.30pm Compline
Thursday 14 April: Maundy Thursday – 7.30pm Eucharist of the Last Supper and Watch until Midnight at the Altar of Repose
Friday 15 April: Good Friday – 2.00pm Liturgy of the Day
Saturday 16 April: 8.00pm Easter Vigil with Baptism and Confirmation
Sunday 17 April: 10.30am Easter Day Cathedral Eucharist