Chapter Meeting Update: May 2024 — Sheffield Cathedral

Chapter Meeting Update: May 2024

Safeguarding Report

Sian Checkley (Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor) attended Chapter to provide a report to Chapter.  Sian updated Chapter on the work the Diocesan Safeguarding Team are currently doing and the recent appointment of a new Safeguarding Training filling a vacant post. Safeguarding Training and the safer recruitment of staff and volunteers was discussed. The integration of the DST with the cathedral team was highlighted as being something that is working well.



The Cathedral Treasurer gave a report to Chapter on the current financial position of Chapter and Enterprise and highlighted that the Cathedral is on the way to achieving a challenging target set for 2024 for Events and Hospitality income.

Chapter also agreed that the executive team should consider a review of contracted hours for staff in light of the current ways of working and recent difficulties in recruiting to 40 hour a week roles.  Staff annual leave was also reviewed and Chapter agreed that it was the right thing to look to annual leave entitlements given that there is a current discrepancy between some roles.  The Visitor Experience Coordinator role was discussed and next steps for filling this vacancy were agreed.


Role Descriptions

Chapter were able to review draft role descriptions for the Non-Executive Chapter Members and for the Senior Non-Executive Members. These role profiles were agreed to be sent to Bishop Pete for further review.

The role profile for the Minor Canon Precentor was also reviewed and agreed.


Dean’s Report

Dean Abi updated Chapter on a number of items including her recent trip to Poland and the planned work with women from other faith groups.  The Dean also spoke of the work she is doing with the City Partnership Board, the ongoing work on the Triennium Funding Bid and the ongoing development of the Schools Singing Programme.  Security around the Cathedral was also discussed.


Clergy Housing

Jason informed Chapter that the purchase of a new house was in progress and negotiations around the sale of the current property are ongoing. Chapter agreed to a revised price to be taken back to the potential buyers for consideration


The next meeting scheduled for Monday 17th June 2024
