Chapter Meeting: July 2023

Read the update from Chapter’s meeting in July 2023.

Matters Arising

A number of points were raised from Chapter’s review of the previous minutes and the action log.  Chapter raised some questions about proposed development and fundraising plans for the coming months and also around administration and support for the new music and schools singing programme work.  Dean Abi outlined plans in these areas and thanked Chapter for their concern around staff wellbeing given the large workloads ahead.


Chapter was attended by the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor and it was agreed that Sian would continue to attend Chapter twice a year to give an update around safeguarding matters directly.  A summary was given of the latest cathedral safeguarding committee meeting and some of the outputs that have come from that meeting that aer being followed up to ensure the cathedral continues to promote a healthy culture around safeguarding.

Chapter asked questions around levels of training and training records and it was agreed that that all Chapter members must do Basic and Foundation Safeguarding training in the first 3 months of taking on the position. For existing Chapter Members where this is not in place or it has lapsed, this needs to be done by the 1st November 2023. It was also decided that all new Chapter members must have started the Leadership training within 12 months of starting the role and for existing Chapter members who haven’t done this this needs to be done by 24th July 2024.

Details were give to Chapter of the Senior Leadership Training that senior operational staff are attending in 2024.


The Finance Manager and Cathedral Treasurer gave a brief update on the Cathedral’s current financial position and reviewed May and June Management Accounts for Chapter and the Enterprise Business.  The Treasurer also gave an update on the preparations for the upcoming Peer Review in September.  The Treasurer also presented an update on the current financial position of the 1554 Enterprise business and outlined plans that were agreed at the Enterprise Board Meeting held recently.  It was agreed that Chapter would loan the Enterprise £10,000 to help with cash-flow with the requirement that is paid back in full before the end of 2023. 

Chapter were informed that there is ongoing work to try and get the lift back into full working order but that this is likely to incur significant financial cost.


Dean Abi updated that the new Canon Missioner will start on 1st October, Tom Daggett will start on 1st August and James Mitchell will likely start at the beginning of September.


The next meeting scheduled for 18th September 2023.