This week is a week of mission at Sheffield Cathedral in partnership with Riding Lights Roughshod Theatre Company.
The aim of the mission is to present the message of Christ through the medium of drama and storytelling. The company are described in this way…
“‘Roughshod is a professional touring theatre company created by Riding Lights in 1992 to concentrate on the grass-roots community touring which characterised the early years of Riding Lights itself.
Designed to perform just about anywhere, annually, Roughshod reaches a live audience of around 65,000 adults and children. It has been acclaimed from Belfast to Brixton for creating powerful new pieces of theatre.”
I hope you will support the week by your prayers and where appropriate your attendance at some of the events. It is a good opportunity to invite friends and family and introduce them to the life of the Cathedral community.
A prayer for the Mission Week
Almighty God,
you call us to share in your mission of love to the world.
Be with the Riding Lights Mission team in all they do here
this week;
let the light of the gospel
shine through their performances and encounters
that together we may know your love more deeply.
In Christ’s name we pray.
Canon Keith Farrow
Canon Missioner