An Invitation to Reflect

Going Public Sheffield has been running for a week and we have been delighted by the many comments of support and enjoyment. The city-wide exhibition has even caught the attention of the New York Times

Following the exhibition launch, Dean of Sheffield, The Very Reverend Peter Bradley spoke to BBC Radio Sheffield, encouraging the public to use the exhibition to reflect on different contemporary issues, such as migration and violence.   

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At the back of the Cathedral hangs a tapestry by Polish artist Goshka Macuga. The tapestry appears to depict the gap between Africa and Europe; a boat is making its way across the ocean and people are drowning in the water. This impressive piece could be seen as an invitation to reflect on migration – an invitation that could hardly come at a better moment.

"The city of Sheffield has committed to being a city of sanctuary and there is hardly a more fitting moment to be reminded of this."

Violence In The Church

In the Chapel of the Holy Spirit, you will find a work of art by brothers Jake and Dino Chapman - the Cyber Iconic Man. The sculpture of a wounded, bleeding man hanging from the ceiling provokes reflection on the reality of violence and suffering in a religious context, a reflection that might be lacking in the church.

"I wonder if we might be immune to the same reflection when looking at religious images, such as the crucifixion of Christ."

Listen Again

The full interview can be found here on the BBC Radio Sheffield website, at around 20 minutes in.

Going Public Sheffield will run until 12 December. Entrance is free at all venues as the exhibition aims to make contemporary art accessible to the public. 

> more about Going Public Sheffield