Life on Mars...

This last week there has been much written about the life of David Bowie - how he offered a radical approach to art and music and formed part of the backdrop to the development of popular music over the last 40 years.

His skill, adaptability and impact have made a lasting impression on contemporary culture and will inform developments for generations. His enigmatic place in post-modern culture helped many to find expression and confidence, and provided the opportunity to reflect on life beyond their immediate context.  

As many will be sad that such a talent is no longer with us, I hope we will all draw strength from the hope that we have in Christ – who has brought life, light and hope generation after generation, and who continues to challenge, call, save and renew.

For some the reality of our current age is a context of confusion and injustice, of terror and fear. I hope that as we are reminded through many recent events to reflect on the reality of the life we live, that we may draw both strength and encouragement from the enduring love of God revealed for us in the life of Jesus Christ.   

A love that will not diminish.    

Canon Christopher Burke