I ask myself this Christmas, as I hear the Gospel proclaimed, do I have the courage of the Magi? Do I have the courage to be guided by Christ, and go home another way?
These words from the prophecy of Isaiah, foretell the coming of Jesus and the role that John was to play in preparing the way and calling people to a mindset of repentance and preparation.
As we give thanks for our new Bishop and our new Bell, let us pray that we may also have the courage to share the good news of Jesus in our communities and across this diocese.
A report of the review of nomination to the See of Sheffield by the independent reviewer Sir Philip Mawer has been published today in a media statement from the Church of England.
A few months ago, an accountant in one of the offices overlooking the Cathedral, asked the Dean very politely, if we needed to ring our bells quite as often...
Even readers who know the Holy Scriptures very well, will often just skim over Leviticus; newcomers are likely to have a very short relationship with the Bible if they start with this book.
During the school summer holidays Rufus the Cathedral Mouse will be inviting children and their families to join him on a Discovery Trail around Sheffield Cathedral.